- February 2, 2020
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- in Press
Why I, Like So Many in My Generation, Can’t Make Up My Mind About Having Kids
"Plenty of millennial women I’ve encountered say they want to be aunts. This has led to the creation of [the] term: PANK (for Professional Aunt, No Kids), joining the more ubiquitous term DINK (double income, no kids). My younger sister recently sent me a meme on Instagram that read: “Baby fever, but like in an aunt way.”
It reminded me of something Liz told me: “I actually really love being an aunt and would love to skip all the way to being a grandma,” she said. “I would love to have a strong emotional connection to a child, but I don’t know if it necessarily has to be my own for me to feel fulfilled.”
- Gina Tomaine, Philadelphia Magazine
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