Tagged business
Browsing all posts tagged with business
Melanie Notkin Featured in NYT Sunday Business on Marketing to Childless Women
Childless Women to Marketers: We Buy Things Too
Retailers Evolve To Meet The Needs Of Smaller Households
5th Annual Auntie's Day is Sunday, July 28!
The Power of the PANKs
An Overlooked Female Demographic: PANKs
On Mother’s Day, I thought it would be important to salute those amazing women who are influential in the lives of their nieces and nephews but have not given birth to a child. I know lots of these important women who have been nicknamed PANKs, Professional Aunts No Kids. They are actively involved in the lives of children around them. In fact, one in five women is a PANK, or approximately 23 million Americans. PANKs are roughly half of all the women who are not a mother or grandmother. This group is actually growing as women are choosing to stay single or marry later. Just think about this group – the size of a group almost as large as the Black/African American segment of US citizens...