Tagged canada
Browsing all posts tagged with canada
The Gazette – Montreal – Melanie Notkin: Single-minded, open-hearted
National Post: Welcome to ‘Otherhood’: Why a growing ‘tribe’ of successful, childless women are redefining happiness
Global News Montreal: Otherhood
CTV The Social
Global News: The Morning Show
Macleans Magazine: The no-baby boom
Social infertility, baby regret and what it means that shocking numbers of women aren’t having children, by Anne Kingston
Toronto Star: Arrivals: Recent books of note
This week books to mark International Women’s Day.
Otherhood, Modern Women Finding a New Kind of Happiness, Melanie Notkin
We usually think of women who are not mothers as the exception, but Notkin says otherwise: almost 50 per cent of women of child-bearing age in the U.S. are childless. The Canadian-born, New York-based author explores the implications of this “otherhood” issue through anecdote and reportage.