"As I enter my first holiday spending spree that includes a little life-form to adorn with miniature things, I’m not quite sure how to feel about being stamped with the cutsey acronym. When I spoke to Melanie Notkin, a PANK herself and author of The Savvy Auntie: The Ultimate Guide For Cool Aunts, she gave me an even more specific (and more twee) label: I am a "Debutaunt," because this is my brother’s first child. (Other aunt varieties, according to Notkin, include the “Aunt by Choice” (a very close family friend) or the “Lesbiaunt” (self-explanatory), Notkin has built a business on advice for “the modern cosmopolitan aunt,” and at the SavvyAuntie.com, she recommends toys to buy, trips to take, and also offers parenting-adjacent tips (like why your niece or nephew needs a flu shot). My niece is a future “Fashionieceta,” Notkin reveals and reiterates that I can fill in as her key style role model during our “Qualauntie” time together..."
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5th Annual Auntie's Day!
Melanie Notkin, founder of Savvy Auntie, the multi-platform lifestyle brand designed for cool aunt, great-aunts, godmothers and all women who love kids and and national bestselling author of SAVVY AUNTIE: The Ultimate Guide for Cool Aunts, Great-Aunts, Godmothers and All Women Who Love Kids (Morrow 2011) announces the date for the fifth annual national day dedicated to honoring and celebrating aunts and godmothers. Auntie’s Day will take place on Sunday, July 28, 2013.
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