- May 14, 2014
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MediaPost: The ‘Otherhood’: How This Demographic Affects Your Marketing Efforts
A new study from DeVries Global focuses on the power and influence of the “otherhood,” a word used to describe women who are not moms. The word is actually the title of a new book by SavvyAuntie.com founder Melanie Notkin. In fact, Notkin partnered with DeVries Global on the study, which sheds new light on a demographic of women—moving them beyond the “Sex and the City” stereotypes and showing women who are smart, savvy and discerning in all aspects of their lives.
One myth that this study busts is that non-moms are not maternal. In fact, 80% of non-moms say that children still play an active role in their lives. Childless women today have deep and rich relationships with their nieces and nephews as well as with the children of close friends. This fact is one of the reasons Notkin launched her SavvyAuntie.com brand and led her to create the acronym PANKs—Professional Aunts No Kids...