- November 1, 2018
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Aunt Maria has become a PANK
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Once they used to call them derisively "spinsters", today large companies are courting them. Here are the professional-aunt-no kids.
by Virginia Di Marco
In the beginning it was "Aunt Maria". The unmarried and childless sister of mum or dad who, at the time, was also called "the aunt zitella".
Today that aunt Maria there is practically no more. PANKs are emerging with ever increasing strength in their place.
Who are PANKs?
Literally, it is an acronym for "professional-aunt-no kid".
Career women, without children, aunts by genetics or by an elective affinity. The first to coin this acronym was the American author and journalist Melanie Notkin.
Among her books there is also the best seller Savvy Auntie: The Ultimate Guide for Cool Aunts, Great-Aunts, Godmothers and All Women Who Love Kids (2011). A guide for all those aunts, great-aunts, godmothers and in general women without children who aspire to be "expert aunties".
Learn more at SKY24 https://tg24.sky.it/salute-e-benessere/2018/10/31/zia-maria-e-diventata-una-pank.html
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