Tagged auntie
Browsing all posts tagged with auntie
25 Reasons Why Aunts Deserve a Day
CBC.ca: Aunts with no kids, or PANKs, latest target for marketers
MediaPost: The ‘Otherhood’: How This Demographic Affects Your Marketing Efforts
MediaPost: The 'Otherhood': How This Demographic Affects Your Marketing Efforts
Shades of Otherhood Infographic
Toy Industry Association: OP ED: The $9 Billion Market the Toy Industry is Missing
Macleans Magazine: The no-baby boom
Social infertility, baby regret and what it means that shocking numbers of women aren’t having children, by Anne Kingston
NPR Brian Lehrer Show: On Her Own
Melanie Notkin, founder of Savvy Auntie and the author of Otherhood: Modern Women Finding A New Kind of Happiness (Seal Press, 2014), coins the word "otherhood" to define and offer encouragement to a demographic of single women like herself who are childless, but not necessarily by choice.