- June 4, 2017
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- in Press
El Confidencial: El papel fundamental que juegan los tíos y las tías en el desarrollo de los niños pequeños
Or... The fundamental role that uncles and aunts play in the development of young children.
A lovely surprise to find myself quoted in Spain's El Confidencial story on the importance of aunthood and unclehood.
A genuine tie [translation by Google Chrome]
Melanie Notkin , founder Savvy Auntie (an online community for aunts), explains how the magic of the relationship is based on the fact that for the [aunts] there are no responsibilities that parents have to play out of obligation. In fact, an [aunts] is usually able to choose the degree to which [she] wants to be involved in the care of [her nieces and] nephews. However, the affection that can be given to a child is never reached and if it is exempt from impositions, it can be free and a very authentic altruism . That is why Notkin argues that the more uncles and aunts the little ones have, and the more time they spend with them, the more good influences they can give away in their lives.
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