Tagged weber shandwick
Browsing all posts tagged with weber shandwick
Tías PANK: sin hijos, gastan en sus sobrinos
ABC 13 Houston: Holiday advertisers targeting professional aunts
25 Reasons Why Aunts Deserve a Day
CBC.ca: Aunts with no kids, or PANKs, latest target for marketers
Toy Industry Association: OP ED: The $9 Billion Market the Toy Industry is Missing
Macleans Magazine: The no-baby boom
Social infertility, baby regret and what it means that shocking numbers of women aren’t having children, by Anne Kingston
QUARTZ: The latest travel marketing craze: Unmarried aunts who want to spoil other people’s kids
Travel operators have a new target: unmarried women with money to spend on their nieces, nephews, or god-children. This demographic, nicknamed “PANKs” (Professional Aunt, No Kids), has potential especially in the US, argues a new report (pdf) on global tourism trends by Euromonitor...