Tagged Melanie Notkin

Browsing all posts tagged with Melanie Notkin

Are you a cool PANK?

Are you a cool PANK?

Translated from Spanish: The term pank has become fashionable and defines what companies have been slow to identify Couples with children often face the challenge of raising children without muc...Read More »
The Walrus: May Cover Story

The Walrus: May Cover Story

The Canadian magazine, The Walrus, May 1, 2018 cover story, "Child-Free By Choice: A New Generation Is Changing What it Means to Live Child-Free" quotes Melanie Notkin and her 2014 research study ...Read More »
How I Met their Grandmother

How I Met their Grandmother

I’ve suffered loss. When I was 19, a month shy of 20, my mother died. It was her heart. She would say she was like the Tin Man; she needed a new heart. But I didn’t take her seriously. I knew my mo...Read More »
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Connect with Melanie Notkin

Keep in touch

Contact Melanie Notkin or her representatives below:

For general press inquiries:

Brand queries on PANKs and more:

Bulk or special co-branded copies of the book:


Literary Agent: Jennifer Joel, ICM Partners JJoel@icmpartners.com

Book to TV & Film Agent: Josie Freedman, ICM Partners JFreedman@icmpartners.com

Savvy Auntie Coolest Toy Award Seal usage rights: For all licensing and permission requests or for more information of the "Savvy Auntie Coolest Toy Awards" Seal:

For licensing and permission requests or for more information for the Savvy Auntie®, PANK®, Otherhood®, Auntie's Day® brands and brand assets: